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Monarch Ltd.
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Monarch Ltd.

Woolen clothing and bed-clothes manufacturer.

Manufacture clothing and bed clothes out of high quality wool, llama, royal cashmere and camel hair fabric under "MagicWool" trademark.

Address: Moskva Dmitrovskoe shosse, 157
Phone: +7 (495) 933-8173
Fax: +7 (495) 933-8173
e-mail: magicwool@mail.ru

Woolen clothing and bed-clothes manufacturer.
Woolen clothing and bed-clothes manufacturer.
Woolen clothing and bed-clothes manufacturer.
Woolen clothing and bed-clothes manufacturer.
Woolen clothing and bed-clothes manufacturer.
Woolen clothing and bed-clothes manufacturer.
Woolen clothing and bed-clothes manufacturer.
Woolen clothing and bed-clothes manufacturer.
Woolen clothing and bed-clothes manufacturer.

Address: Moskva Dmitrovskoe shosse, 157
Phone: +7 (495) 933-8173
Fax: +7 (495) 933-8173
e-mail: magicwool@mail.ru

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