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LLC Sfera delivers all types of fertilizers of known manufacturers of Russia countrywide. Our prices significantly below, than at competitors. With us work: UralHim, Kuibyshev Nitrogen, Ammofos, Altai-coks and even more 20 partners.

We always guarantee stable deliveries of production in any region Russian Federation in any way convenient for you in strict target dates under very low prices, in particular owing to availability of own motor-vehicle pool of the company.

Address: Kirov ul. Worsa 95, of. 322
Phone: 8(8332) 705-195
Fax: 8(8332) 705-194
e-mail: manage@sfera43.ru

LLC Sfera delivers all types of fertilizers of known manufacturers of Russia countrywide. Our prices significantly below, than at competitors. With us work: UralHim, Kuibyshev Nitrogen, Ammofos, Altai-coks and even more 20 partners.

Address: Kirov ul. Worsa 95, of. 322
Phone: 8(8332) 705-195
Fax: 8(8332) 705-194
e-mail: manage@sfera43.ru

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