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Open Company "Ulltre" offers you the services in manufacture of professional table linen, clothes, accessories for restaurants, hotels, rest houses, design studios.

The qualitative textiles for restaurants are a simple and accessible way to give to an institution originality, to give it mood and to underline level. Qualitative and  fabrics for restaurants carry out not only a role of elements of design of an institution, but also differ higher durability and durability, unlike household fabrics. By manufacture they are exposed to special processing at the expense of what deterioration and negative influence of washing decreases. Fabrics for restaurants are calculated on enough severe constraints of operation, they are simple in leaving and serve rather long even if it is a 100 percent clap.

We make following kinds of table textiles for restaurants: cloths, curtains, banquet textiles, paths, covers just for decoration, napkins and many other things.

Address: Moskva Talalihina, d. 42, str. 26
Phone: +7-495-740-83-53
Fax: +7-495-645-16-63
e-mail: 6451663@mail.ru

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